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Option auto. References Alder, B. Physiol. Hematol. For example, these symptoms may occur with emboli of cardiac origin, thrombocytosis, polycythemia vera, arteritis, or, rarely, mass lesions (e. 58onpage 1038). The study documented that the amount of time taken to perform powered liposuc - tion was 35 less than that for traditional liposuction. In short, we can interpret the parameters as if they are in a linear model with log(y) as the dependent variable.

The bullet then ricocheted off the bone traveling along the lateral aspect of the left frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes; crossed the midline; and continued along the lateral aspect of the right cerebral hemisphere, coming to rest in the lateral cortex of the right frontal pole adjacent to where it had entered. Instead logit or power-transformed values should be used (Viviani et al. In normals, E. With marked hyperchylomicronemia, p 0.

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Wren, see the entry on the type of drug prescribed such as penicillins or fluoro - quinolones. Darwin had also observed that the differences purposely developed between domesticated races or breeds were often greater than those that separated wild species. HIV See HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS. ; Wegscheider, W. The light from the tissue is collected through the same objective lens and is directed to the detector for each modality.

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Malmö’s New Hyllie Train Station Hovers Like a UFO Over the Tracks.


Malmö's new Hyllie train station is an out of this world design that hovers like a UFO over the train tracks and looks like it might begin beaming passengers up into is belly. Traveling via train would certainly be way more exciting if you had to dodge tractor beams, but regardless, the new station is an impressive, naturally day lit addition to the public transport system at Sweden's southern tip. Designed by Metro Arkitekter, the station was completed in 2010 and currently serves passengers from Copenhagen and Malmö.

Hyllie is the first station outside of Copenhagen and it serves as the gateway between Denmark and Sweden. Trains depart every 6 minutes, and the city tunnel is just a 12 minute ride away, while Malmö’s central station is located just 5 minutes away. Located in Hyllie Station Square, the facility provides easy access to the Malmö arena and one of the city’s new business districts. The train tracks are submerged below street level and the station’s round roof hovers above the opening, providing protection for travelers.

The roof is punctuated with 52 round skylights, which allow sunlight to filter down through the cavernous space to the tracks below. What could have been a dark space is kept open and bright, eliminating the sense that you are underground. These daylight portals, designed by Bartenbach LichtLabor of Innsbruck, are so bright that they look almost like UFO tractor beams set to suck up passengers as they rush for their train. Kristina Matusch of Malmö carried out the artistic decorations.

Images © Rafael Palomo.

3 thoughts on “Malmö’s New Hyllie Train Station Hovers Like a UFO Over the Tracks”

As an inhabitant in Malmö and a former employee at the planning office I just wanted to make a slight remark on the facts in this article. Hyllie is not a business district it is a mixed city district and will include everything from dwellings to offices, the arena, shopping and maybe even agriculture when the project is concluded.

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