12 Things I Learned By Being A Forex Trader.
For the last 6 months, I’ve been a forex trader. I started this experience by curiosity, pretty hastily, to be honest, and ended it up abruptly (hopefully, you’ll realize why by reading this article). It was by far one of the most exhilarating, exciting, emotionally consuming and useful (in terms of lessons learned) episodes of my life. It was also one of the most difficult endeavors I ever started, in terms of energy and effort.
What follows is a little list of all the things I learned during these 6 months. But before diving into it, a few introductory words, for those who have no idea what forex trading is in the first place. If you do have an idea about forex trading, you can safely skip the next two paragraphs.
Forex Trading – A Primer.
Forex means foreign exchange rates, and forex trading means buying or selling foreign currencies in pairs. If public companies have shares that you can freely buy and sell on the market, then countries have currencies. That’s the easiest way to understand a currency: it’s the value of that country in pretty much the same way a share represents the value of a company.
Now, a company share value is an expression of what people agree to pay for it, based on a number of criteria: company performance, brand power, rumors and so on.
Consequently, a country currency is evaluated against another country currency, based upon a set of criteria too: the economical situation of both countries, political news, media manipulation and so on.
In forex, you trade pairs, like selling EUR and getting USD, for instance. There are a few major pairs, EURUSD being one of them, then there are what they usually call “crosses”, or secondary pairs. In the majors, you find all the “big” players: GBP (british pound, also known as cable), JPY (the Yen), CHF (the Swiss franc) and so on. I only traded majors, crosses have usually a lower liquidity.
Very simply put, forex trading means you can do only 2 things with these pairs: you can either buy some, or sell some. Using whatever capital you want to invest, that is. If you buy, then you expect the price of your pair to be bigger in a certain amount of time. You call that: “appreciation”. In other words, you expect to get a profit because you “predict” the price of your currency will be higher. If you sell, then you expect the price of your currency to drop. You call this: “depreciation”. So basically, you will make a profit by “buying back” your pair when it will be cheaper then it was when you sold it.
Each trade is usually called “position”. You open a position at a certain price, and set your attitude: if you buy, the jargon says you go “long”, if you sell, the jargon says you go “short” (hence the expression of “heavily shorting” a currency, meaning selling it because of its imminent depreciation).
Once opened, each position will generate a profit or a loss, depending on your choice (long or short) and on how the market moves. Let’s say you opened a long position on EURUSD for 100$, which gave you 80 EUR. The market goes up, so now for your initial investment, you can get back 90 EUR. If you close your position (also known as “take profit”), you are 10 EUR richer. Suppose the market goes down and your position is now worth 70 EUR. If you close your position (also known as “stop loss” in this case) you’re 10 EUR shorter. You just lost 10 EUR.
In a nutshell, that’s pretty much all there is to be known about forex trading, at least in order to understand the rest of the article,. Of course, these paragraphs are only scratching the surface (literally, the amount of information about forex is ginormous). There are a lot of other things to be known or learned, from technical analysis, (like candlestick charting, price actions, and so on), up to the trading mindset, (like avoiding revenge trades, sticking to a trading plan and so on). This post is not intended as resource for those who want to embrace forex trading (I’m not sure I want to write such a post now) but merely as a way to integrate this specific experience in my lifestyle. If you’re considering opening a trading account Fx Pro give some helpful information.
Forex Trading – The Activity.
The first thing you need to know about actually trading forex is that this is a 5-days-in-a-row type of activity. It starts Monday at 0:00 and ends Friday at 23:59. During this time, you are almost 100% connected to the market. There are few financial hubs involved in the process, and the most important are (for those trading the majors, that is): London Stock Exchange, New York Exchange and Tokyo Exchange. Forex trading never really stops, so as the world goes round, the price will also be influenced by the specifics of the prevailing financial hubs. The most important part of the day (traditionally) is the overlapping time between London and New York, because you can allegedly get the highest liquidity, hence the most predictable models.
There are 3 types of information which are influencing this market: technical analysis, fundamental analysis and news. Technical analysis tries to isolate recurrent or predictable patterns based on past behavior. Fundamental analysis tries to connect the major economical indicators to the value of the currency (from GDP variations, up to more obscure economical data). News are pretty much created by media and politics and these are the most “spiky” ones, meaning they are creating abrupt variations, making it easy to be caught with your pants off, so to speak.
I traded mainly on technical analysis. Meaning I tried to understand chart variations, different price actions and other representation models. Seemed the safest one for me. There are heavy advocates of the fundamental trading, as well as the news trading. In the end, it’s just a choice.
Trading by technical analysis means also that I had to spend a lot of time studying charts and trying to create reliable predictions. In itself, this activity was very rewarding. I learned tremendously and many things I discovered during this process would have never entered my universe, without the risk taken to just dive in. For instance, I learned a lot about “harmonic patterns”, which are a way to graphically isolate (in various patterns, like “the butterfly pattern”, for instance) the behavior of the market. This stuff only can be applied in many areas of my life.
Now, you have a bit of an understanding of what forex trading means. It’s time to move on to the actual lessons learned by being a forex trader.
1. You Can’t Control Your Life, But You Still Can Take Some Profit From It.
Nobody can control the markets. But there are a few who are taking a profit from them. That’s one of the first “a-ha” moments any trader stumble upon. It’s also one of the hardest to grasp.
In terms of personal development, that’s another way to say that life is not fair. It never was, of course. But, in itself, that’s not even remotely a reason to stop taking profit from it.
The illusion of control is one of the biggest lies our ego tells us. Just because we have a basic understanding of our universe, all of a sudden, we start pretending that we can control it. We start to believe that we can control everything in our lives. To some extent, we can. But the more we pretend we can control everything, the more the Universe is kicking our butts with unexpected events (in the form of what we usually call “crises”).
The lesson: it’s not about controlling the wave, it’s about riding it.
2. Make And Use A “Stop Loss”
In technical terms, that means you have to create a specific point at which your losses will be stopped, even if you are around. It’s the amount you’re committed to lose in that trade. Many beginners don’t use stops, and they usually burn their account within a few days (read: go broken).
In terms of life that means: nothing is worth everything. If you commit to a certain situation, to a certain project, or career, that doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever. Make a short projection of what is the worst that may happen, in the worse scenario, and stick with your plan. If the shit really hits the fan, just leave. Don’t wait until you’re completely drained out. Or covered in shit (as I’ve been before, and not only once, because of my overcommitting approach).
There’s another day tomorrow, you know that?
3. Pick And Stick With A “Take Profit” Point.
In technical terms, it means you have to create a point in your position, where the potential profit will be automatically cashed in. If everything goes according to the plan, that is. Many beginners don’t use “take profit” points too, and that also results in an accelerated depletion of their accounts. They think the market will move in “their” direction for ever. Of course it doesn’t.
What does this mean in real life? It means you have to curb down your expectations. On anything. It’s good to have some expectations, just to be able to measure your efforts, but don’t hold your breath. Keep everything in perspective. And keep it transparent too. Don’t let other people believe you’re gonna be there forever (unless, of course, you do want to be there forever). Set a certain point in the future when you’ll be able to say: that’s all that I wanted to do with this job/relationship/experiment. Once you reached that point, cash in and move on.
In terms of personal development, having “take profit” points it’s like saying: ok, I got my paycheck from this experience, now time to move on to the next one.
4. Control Your Emotions.
Forex trading should be a very detached and cold activity. Alas, it isn’t. We’re human beings. Apart from the enormous amount of information that he has to process, a trader must also process and control his emotions: frustration, fear, greed, exhilaration. Those who can master this skill are usually the winners in this field.
What does it means in real life? It means that emotions, as useful as they are as a feedback mechanism, shouldn’t be used as the sole foundation for your actions. A little bit of control must be exerted continuously on emotions. Not on how they are formed, but on how they are shaping your real life actions. Imagine someone acting exclusively on emotions. If he’s frustrated, he yells, if he’s happy, he jumps around. No concern whatsoever for his environment, or for the consequences of these actions.
Emotions are fundamental for our own psychological balance and a healthy expression of them is desired. But a life lived on emotions only, without any interest whatsoever for the consequences of our actions, that will be a very sad one.
5. Greed Is Bad.
Closely related to the “take profit” lesson, but in a different way. Greed manifests in a trade when the trade is moving in the right direction, but the trader won’t cash in, waiting for a bigger profit. Hoping the market will continue to move in his direction enough to generate a profit so big from this unique trade, that his entire life will be set (I’m exaggerating, of course).
Greed is when we never say “thank you” for what we have, taking it for granted. Greed is when we do nothing, but we expect everything. Greed is when we think we don’t have enough. Greed is when we just won’t stop unless we have more and more and more and more.
In the forex world, greed is one of the two reasons people are losing money (the other one being fear, see below). In real world, greed is one of the two reasons people are losing life. Livable, balanced life.
6. Fear Is Bad.
In terms of forex trading, fear manifests the moment you close a transaction too soon, hence not getting enough profit from your trades. Fear makes you lose money by not letting yourself cash enough of what you deserve. I remember that many times I cashed in way before the trade has to reach my “take profit” point, just to be sure “I get something”.
In real life, this translates into trust. Trust that you judged a set of circumstances well. Trust that you will be rewarded for what you are, not for your momentarily perception. Trust that things will eventually go as you stated.
As you may see, it takes a lot of work to balance greed and fear. Both are the engines of the forex trading world, and both are shaping our lives at a very deep, sometimes unconscious level, each and every day.
I’m not saying it’s easy to strike a balance. But this experience made it so obvious to me that now I simply can’t stop identifying greed and fear in almost any context of my life. Of course, some days are better than others.
7. Everything Takes Time.
During a trade you may see a lot of swings back and forth. Stay with it. Before stabilizing on a trend, the market moves many times. As long as you calculated your risks right, and the swings are between your “take profit” and “stop loss” points, you really have nothing to worry about.
In life there are many ups and downs, but as long as you’re in the right direction (and you trust yourself totally about that) you’ll get there. You may have a lot of detours, a lot of stalled moments and sometimes, it may seem that the road is not leading you anywhere.
But, as long as you calculated your risks right, and the life swings are between what you can take for a loss and what you can swallow as a victory, eventually, you’ll get there.
8. Take Risks.
You can’t play safe. There’s no such thing as playing safe in the forex trading business. You should always cover your ass as much as you can, but avoiding risk all together will never work. The only moment when you don’t risk in forex is when you don’t have any opened position. Which, in other terms, means you’re not playing at all.
It’s the same thing in life. No risk equals no reward. But, as many of you are guessing, I didn’t have to get into forex trading to learn that. What I really learned was something more subtle: the risk can be managed. Every risk you take can be calculated and can generate a certain set of results.
Another way to put this is: “learn to think in scenarios”. If I risk that amount, this thing will happen. If I risk the other amount, another set of things will happen. The result will be mind-blowing: instead of feeling like an endless struggle, the life will start to feel like an off-road circuit. Very, very difficult, but manageable, if you pay enough attention to all the bumps and to all the possible routes.
9. Switch Focus.
Don’t get trapped in a single pattern or trade for the entire day. Every trade should have a lifetime. The longer you stay with a trade, or with a single way of trading (a. k.a. system), the deeper you’ll sink a swamp of indecision, lack of orientation and, eventually, despair.
When you get too trapped into something, being it a relationship, a business, a forex trade, you lose balance. It’s one of the most difficult things I had to reinforce through forex trading but it still pays off big time for me.
As of today, I get to work on 3 big areas: writing (on this very blog, or just books), coding (for WPSumo and iAdd, at the time of writing this article) and consulting (in areas defined on the Work With Me page). Whenever I feel trapped into one area, I switch. At times, I can almost feel my brains oxygenating 🙂 Note: right now the third area is managing another business, called Connect Hub, a coworking space and event venue, and my coding activities are limited to what it takes to keep the blog afloat.
10. Get Out Of Shit. Fast.
Staying in a losing trade and hoping for the market to “recover” is the worst thing you can do. It’s like staying in a relationship that proved to be wrong, and wait for the other person to change. It will never happen. Get out. Of course, there will be losses. But the sooner you get out of that losing trade, the smaller the losses will be.
For me, that was the first big moment when I realized forex trading is a very, very difficult business, and you have to embrace it with a very clear mind and attitude. I was guilty of clinging to the past. Like the past was holding everything that my present needed. Of course it wasn’t true. The past is dead.
The only thing alive is now. If a thing is going downhill in your life, and you feel you are “just a victim of the circumstances”, take a deep breath, cut the rope, let the rock fall and move again. Believe me, the loss you’re gonna get, in financial (or emotional) terms, is peanuts compared to the slavery you would inflict upon yourself by staying in that stupid relationship, or job, or situation.
11. You Don’t Have To Be Right In Order To Win.
This a very difficult lesson. I’d say that this may be the most difficult of all. Because it challenges one of your deepest convictions, which is: you have to be right in order for things to move the way you want. But guess what, you don’t need to be right. Because life in itself isn’t.
How you really need to be is in “sync”. Go with the flow. In forex trading terms, this is usually said as “the market is always right”. For instance, you may have all the reasons to predict that the market will go up, and yet, the market goes down. You opened a bunch of long positions, based on the assumption that you’re gonna be right. Of course, you’re not. And you lose.
All you had to do in order to win was to go with the market. Or, if we’re gonna use real life vocabulary, go with the flow.
12. Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be.
I traded divergences heavily. In technical terms, a divergence is an indicator of something “going wrong” with a trend. A divergence is formed when the price seems to go up, but the indicator tells you that this is not exactly right. I won’t go into details about why this is happening, enough to let you know that, sometimes, things are not what they seem to be.
In real life, for instance, a business may show signs of going strong, with a lot of sales and good karma. But behind the curtain things are not so good: employees are ready to leave the board, or the intellectual property is much thinner than you thought, or, and that’s the most common case, the product is already at the end of its life cycle.
The fundamental lesson is to always look twice at a process (being it a business, or a psychological process) before deciding you’re gonna embark on it, one way or another. There might always be a divergence hidden way below the surface, waiting to hit you the moment you expect this the least.
So, if forex trading is so interesting, why did I give up? The short answer: because I wasn’t prepared. The long answer: because I wasn’t prepared, and my emotional control was way below the required standards, and because I couldn’t stick with a trading plan long enough to make it count, because I got too entrapped and unglued myself from the normal life (yes, those guys with eyes almost closed, walking like zombies, I was one of them). And because I decided it was enough of a lesson for the time being.
Am I going to trade again? The long answer: provided that I have the right context, the right skills and the right attitude, I will certainly give it a try in the near future.
The short answer: yes. It’s way too much fun. 🙂
Running For My Life - from zero to ultramarathoner.
Dragos Roua.
The guy who started all this. Entrepreneur, ultra-marathoner, tanguero, father and risk taker. I’m blogging here, but I also spend a lot of time in this marvelous space.. You’re invited, by the way.
This Post Has 23 Comments.
Im still a virgin but I am going to learn trading. I will find my niche and be disciplined. Im a little nervous, but mostly excited that this inspiration matches who I am. I am very interested and and want to be really good at what it takes to do this. As I am reading blogs and watching videos and learning of the different systems I know I will want to become well acquainted with, I came upon your insights and wanted to say thank you. I am taking notes and really appreciate that you shared your ideas. May I ask what system/platform you liked to work with most back in the day when you traded? lol How did you first get into it and how did you come to find the Forex to call home…temporarily of course 😉
Thanks for your time. Namaste.
I used MetaTrader as a platform and mainly candlesticks and price action. I got into it by curiosity and stayed there because of stubornness. 🙂
Sorry man point 3 is not right.
You should have an idea where the trade will end up before you get it into the trade, but you don’t ‘just take profit.’
You need to milk every last pip out the trade to be successful at Forex.
Once the the trade moves down to 2/3 your risk move your S/Loss to B/even ALWAYS PROTECT CAPITAL NO.1 RULE IN FOREX.
Once you reach 1-1.5 your Risk move your S/L to your 2/3 Risk. then at 2R, lock in 1.5R and follow this whole process at each stepping stone of the trade, using this method of taking profit as you say ‘ ride the wave’. You need to ride it right until the crescent and gradually move your S/L with the trade and until the maximum point is reached and the wave is ready to break!
Thats it in a nutshell anyway! Hope that helps.
Yeah Dragos, It’s too much risky. I have lots of friends losing so much in FX. Actually you must be well aware of it before taking too many risks.
May I ask how much you lost from trading forex eventually, ? Or did you end up in the black?
If you do not want to disclose exact amounts, say your first deposit to your first broker was Z and you lost/made a total of … let’s say, 5*Z.
I didn’t win, I didn’t lose. When I hit break-even, I got out of the game.
its better to beg on the street than enter this idiotic indurstry you ll make more no one makes money the pros make commissions on idiots that want to invest its a bloody joke if they have made anything its through lying stealing or insider trading.
You got a really useful blog I have been here reading for about an hour. I am a newbie and your success is very much an inspiration for me. .
Some good points. The FX market is a dangerous place for people who are unprepared and are expecting quick money.
Remember to do the work and test your system/strategy.
Point 3, is easier for beginner traders. A set and forget Target Profit. As you get more experienced and can manage your trading psychology better you’ll have a mental target and manage the trade exit on the price movements.
I’m new to Forex trading and I’ve just downloaded Metatrader 4. Its like being thrown in the jungle with nothing. Can you share links or any other resources that one can use to understand? Thanks…
Great post and thanks. Please tell me a demo account is best…or not.
Wouldn’t recommend forex at all these days…
Hey mate. So basically I got into binary options and without learning muc, and following advice from brokers, I lost my shirt and then some! Silly I know but chalk it up to lesson learned. Basically I am wondering if it’s worth getting to learn how to play a market (forex, stock, options) but to do it properly, and learn as much as I can? I understand it’s difficult, and I mean I work very long days mostl, and I fear I may be putting all this time in for nothing if I end up falling to the wayside… but at the same time, what I lost really chokes me up deep inside.
Any thoughts or guidance ?
I won’t get into it. Swallow you loss and move on.
Thanks for the highlights.
I’m trying to find connection between the problem retail traders face and my book which helps alleviates most of it.
Lost aka regrets should have went it but didn’t pull the trigger. Should have taken the profits but didn’t now negative. Should have… Because you didn’t plan.
Greed. Play big and now lost so much. Revenge trade immediately after you lost because you wanna make it back. Because you didn’t plan. Plan what to do when you win. Plan what to do when you lost.
Fear. You lost so much, you start to doubt. You question your system. You question your entry. You expand your stoploss. Because you didn’t plan. You didn’t backtest. You didn’t invest in time to learn the skill rather you play with hope. You play to make money.
Thanks for the inside. I really appreciated it. It helps me understand the fear, how to and what if and fruits of labour.
I’m running a beta group. Getting about 10 students to learn about trading Forex using just a smartphone. The guarantee is a 100% return in 10 months or less.
If you like I can offer a seat.
Thank you for sharing your experience from your 6 months in forex trading.
I like the way you write. I do not agree with all of what you write, but that is not the point. Good article
My point is that you have written a blog post, which is good for new traders; because there are some universal issues at stake here. Another thing I like about your sharing is this; Even though you did not stay in the world of trading for a long time, you write about how trading made a huge impact on your way of thinking – also on your life outside of trading. That is a very positive thing.
I will try to point out some of my thoughts about some of the issues you wrote about in your blog post.
I believe it can help some of the new traders, who follow this particular blog post.
First: Two lines about myself. I am a forex trader as well as an entrepreneur and teacher, currently living in Greenland.
One of the most dangerous aspects of any kind of trading in the modern world is the very easy access. Say a person like to become a trader, he can rush to the computer, open an account and buy a stock or some currency. So 5 minutes after thinking: “I like to be a trader”, you can trade. Let’s take the example a little further . . . Let’s say this person is lucky and he makes 5 trades with a nice profit the first day. Now what will happen is this. This person will feel he is really good at trading . . . but he is not . . . he was lucky.
So the problem here is this. It is way too easy to start trading. Most of the people have no clue of what they are doing when they go into trading.
In your blog post, you describe well the basic things about trading. That is something we need to know, but we need to know something more – and the very difficult thing about trading is that many of the crucial thing to learn are contra intuitive. My intention here is not to go into that – only to say that there is a big problem with this easy access to the markets today. The consequences of this is that around 90% of all new traders lose 90% of their capital within the first 90 days. This is called the 90/90/90 rule in trading.
But to me, it is nothing odd about almost everyone losing – because generally people do not prepare for trading; most people rush into it and trade for the thrill.
This is something we cannot give an adequate answer for, but I believe that about 90 % of the information about how to get started in trading is false or misguiding. Just the fact that very few traders realize the conflict of interest between you as a trader and your broker. When you go to a website of a broker, you will see the broker offer information on how to trade. . . . this is like saying to the wolf to take care of the sheep’s.
To be a good trader, you will only take information from a source with whom you have no conflict of interest. This does not mean that brokers are “mean” or something like that. Just google a little bit, and you will see a lot of people claiming their broker chased their stop loss. Maybe this can happen, but I believe that most of the time this should just be seen as frustrated traders, who blame a broker . . . again as a consequence of the easy access to the markets, and as a consequence of the 90/90/90 rule. In a business like this there will be a lot of angry clients . . . you got out of trading at break even; so you were one of the lucky once
Many people are left with nothing . . .
Furthermore you write in your blog post, that you need to be connected to the markets non-stop Sunday to Friday . . . this is not the way I would advise a new trader to do. A broker would be happy for such a trader, because the more you trade, the more commission you pay to your broker. And furthermore we know that it is way easier to get profitable in trading if you are trading on the bigger timeframes – we do also know why so many new traders trade all the time, and on the smaller timeframes. If you trade on the longer timeframes you do not feel the thrill the same way; because there is much lesser “action” – but this is very the big money are; they are not on the smaller timeframes.
One thing I sense in your blog post, and a fact that I like is that you have taken some experience from trading and used it in other areas of your life. This is very positive.
Many new traders are so obsessed with the money aspect in trading, that they totally forget the learning we can get from trading.
The MOST important thing for a new trader to understand is this: You are the asset in trading. You are much more valuable than gold or anything else, if you realize that you are the real asset. If you realize this, the first thing you will do, is to seek out proper knowledge about your business, e. g. trading; because by increasing your knowledge, you are also increasing you value. Whatever you invest in your own true financial education will come back to you manifold as long as you have a true understanding of the idea about “you-as-the-asset”.
I agree very much with you about the fact that we cannot control the markets – but that is no problem. We can control ourselves, we can control how we position ourselves; we can control when to trade, and when not to trade. So as you say, it is very important to know what we can control.
The next aspect you write about is “take profit point” – this was interesting, because this is an aspect, which many people have studied, so we know some facts about this subject. We do know that 80% of the traders take profit too early. This means that chances are that you are closing a winning trade to early – another interesting aspect with these studies was that most of the new traders did not want to close a losing position . . . (this is simple to understand and explain, the reason being the moment we close the position we have to admit we were wrong, as long as the position is on, we can say “it will turn around again”)
This has to do with the next thing you write about, control of our emotions. Many people write about this. I believe there is a much better solution to this than to “control our emotions”. What we can do is this: We make all our decisions before we take a trade, e. g. when will I go in, when will I go out all of this. After we have put on the trade, we leave the computer. This is the great advantage of trading the longer timeframes. You don’t have to sit by the computer. When we are in front of the charts, that is when our emotions are most difficult to control. So by sitting less in front of the computer, we put less stress on ourselves.
What you say about greed is interesting. In my opinion, we should talk about two different ways of greed. One is good greed and one is bad greed. Good greed is when you like to do good for you and your family without hurting other people. Bad greed is when you like to do well, even if you have to take advantage of other people. Sure, there are a lot more bad than good greed in the world. But to often we see people say greed is a bad thing. I believe greed in the right form is very good. It is to easy to get lazy if we don’t have this positive greed.
If a new trader has decided to stay in the game and go for the long run, then he should know that trading does not reward safe play; if you do not risk anything, then you cannot win anything. But this is not the same as saying trading is like gambling. The good trader knows how to control risk. The good trader know how to control leverage and take advantage of that. Let’s take another example. Let’s say you like to fly an airplane. This would be very risky unless you are pilot – but for the pilot it is not risky because he has been trained in controlling the risk.
We can say by using the idea of break even the proper way you are bringing down the risk very much, if you are well educated, financially and you know what you are doing, and why you are doing it, your chances of building your account are much bigger if and when you use, and know how to trade with the concept of break even.
In the end, we have to remember the fact that trading is a probability business. It is not about being right, it is about consistently doing the right thing. Most of the time the right thing is very simple – but not easy to execute.
At the end of the blog post you said you were not prepared. Most people never get to this insight, so that is great to see.
God luck with you blog – you page is great and I like your clean and easy design.
Cheers, Jonbert Davidsen.
Wow! This comment is competing, in terms of the number of words, with the actual post. 🙂
Yes, it was a long comment 🙂
I guess I wrote it at a time when I had plenty of time.
Hope you’re doing great.
I´d just read your interesting post about FX trading and would like to ask a quick question. What is you opinion about the way Brokers work? I have heard many stories which insinuate that brokers are targeting inexperienced and new FX Traders and chase stop-losses and advertently delay entries to increase slippage. They are only able to do this because the software allows them and produces tools for them to achieve their scams. It appears to me that the industries tries to coax you in to trading under false pretences by distracting you with never ending tutorials about technical and fundamental theory when in fact they are just luring you into a trap where they have control over your destiny.
Without having the experience or contacts in the industry to prove/disprove my hypothesis, I would be interested to read your thoughts on this.
Didn’t see this happening. It’s more likely to burn your account yourself before any broker get to mingle with your funds…
Blue collar or forex? Which one worth to learn and gain? Pls advise.
hey thanks for your insight read this 12 months ago and again today.
opened my fx ac today gonna give it a go slowly and carefully.
I have been trading forex for 2 months 1 week shy of three months and I agree with most of your views as I agree on should be prepared for a profit to turn to a horrible lose I guess thats what most traders lack and also with the revenge trading was something that really affected me as young trader if a trade went too bad I would trade aganist it in the hopes that it went wrong aganist the currency and that cost me dearly with the looming US financial crisis in the horizon…great article cudos.
Forex difficulty
Our products are traded on margin and carry a high degree of risk. Losses can exceed your initial deposit. *Terms and Conditions Apply.
Put your Forex trading knowledge to the test with the all-new GKFX trading quiz; simply choose your difficulty of easy, medium or hard and get started. We at GKFX encourage all traders to ensure that they are thoroughly prepared before opening a live account, so take some time to try our short quiz and learn some fun Forex trading facts along the way.
Discover your trading type.
Forex is short for foreign exchange, but the actual market.
we are referring to is currencies.
“Loonie” is the nickname the Euro currency.
The non-farm payroll data is measure of monthly change in the number of workers outside the farming industry in the United States.
The S&P 500 is an American stock index which includes the 500 largest listed American companies.
But as is often the case in Forex trading, there’s some room for improvement. You can build on your score by practicing on one of our Forex demo account options or by speaking to one of our account managers on +44(0)20 7186 255, who would be more than happy to take you through the Forex trading process one-to-one..
Great Result!
If you’re feeling ready, you might consider progressing to one of our Forex trading live account options. For more information on top trading tools and strategies, you can find our Financial Trading Bootcamp webinar series on our YouTube channel.
A bearish trader is one who expects prices to decline and.
may be holding short positions.
A bullish trader is one who expects prices to rise and.
who may be holding long positions.
Day-trading describes a trading style where you typically only trade from Monday to Wednesday.
A support level is a price level price could not historically.
break below and went higher from.
But as is often the case in Forex trading, there’s some room for improvement. You can build on your score by practicing on one of our Forex demo account options or by speaking to one of our account managers on +44(0)20 7186 255, who would be more than happy to take you through the Forex trading process one-to-one..
Great Result!
If you’re feeling ready, you might consider progressing to one of our Forex trading live account options. For more information on top trading tools and strategies, you can find our Financial Trading Bootcamp webinar series on our YouTube channel.
The RSI indicator analyses gains and losses of previous.
price candles (periods).
The breakaway gap describes a scenario where price gaps.
over a support or resistance level.
The ADX indicator is direction neutral and analysis.
A sell limit order is below current price.
But as is often the case in Forex trading, there’s some room for improvement. You can build on your score by practicing on one of our Forex demo account options or by speaking to one of our account managers on +44(0)20 7186 255, who would be more than happy to take you through the Forex trading process one-to-one..
Great Result!
If you’re feeling ready, you might consider progressing to one of our Forex trading live account options. For more information on top trading tools and strategies, you can find our Financial Trading Bootcamp webinar series on our YouTube channel.
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Forex difficulty
January 16, 2015 – If you know what you are doing, forex can be quite profitable, so that it definitely pays to do some research before beginning. Your demo account is an excellent opportunity to do that. Use the tips below to give you the bonus in Forex trading.
New forex traders get pretty looking forward to trading and pour themselves into it wholeheartedly. Generally speaking, people have a tendency to lose focus over the years of time, so if you find yourself not dedicating yourself completely towards the trade it should be a good time to step away for a bit. Purchase on occasion. The market isn’t going anywhere.
Sometimes switching your stop loss point prior to it being triggered can actually lose your cash than if you hadn’t touched it. Stay the course and find a greater chance of success.
Always have an agenda in place when you are going to be doing forex currency trading or suavecito pomade original hold 4 oz. Do not expect to make profits once you start out, take your time. True success takes patience and planning.
If you over-trade, you will become confused and exhausted, and your credit is a wreck! Should you trade smart versus often, you can be better off.
You will know what kind of style you are likely to use once you begin out in Currency trading. Use time charts to find out how to get inside and out in just a few hours. Scalpers, or traders who attempt to finish trades within a few minutes, do better with 5-minute and 10-minute charts.
There aren’t any miracle methods that can be used in forex that may guarantee you to definitely make money. No one has the miracle solution which will make sure you switch a profit. Just do your best, learn from mistakes and check out.
Learning what Fibonacci levels are needs to be very important to you because it is a large part of Currency trading. They give you calculations that will help you know when you make a trade and who making it with. Fibonacci levels can assist you in determining a good exit strategy.
Don’t believe that all the forex market tips you read online are absolute truths. Not every information on the Forex market is one size fits all, and you’ll end up with information that’s detrimental for your method of trading and will cost you money. Learn how to look for signs to make changes.
You should always have a plan before beginning forex trade. Using the path of least resistance won’t generate instant profits. Good forex traders know their strategy and punctiliously consider everything before taking it.
The Forex market has some advantages over others. You are able to trade whenever of the day or night as it remains open Twenty four hours. You do not need much cash to enjoy lord opportunities in forex. These two advantages of the currency markets make it viable for virtually anyone during at any time.
You shouldn’t trust outside analysis in your Forex account. Analysis is highly subjective along with what other traders may think is not necessarily representative of what should be carried out. Being able to perform your own personal market analysis is vital to as a successful trader.
By its very nature, forex trading offers traders the ability to use a great deal of leverage, however this opportunity will not come with no cost. Although it does allow more range for traders, a novice trader that has high leveraged accounts not understanding how to use them, can greatly raise the risk and possibly lose a whole lot. Understand what you are likely to do.
If ever you exchange the forex market, keep the emotions out of the equation. Anger, panic, or greed can certainly lead you to make bad decisions. It’s impossible to be an entirely objective trader, but if you make emotion a central section of your trading strategy, you are taking a big risk.
Like a trade market beginner, avoid trading from the trends. Don’t choose lows and highs which go against the market. Start your trading again by falling along with the market’s trends, so that you can focus on proper timing and trade execution. If you fight the trends, you’ll are a giant ball of stress, and probably lose money in the process.
Understand that highly-leveraged Forex trading accounts possess some disadvantages. Although high leverage offers the range required to turn small price fluctuations into big profits, additionally, it puts unprepared traders vulnerable to big losses. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of your leveraged account prior to taking one on.
Lots of veteran Forex traders maintain a journal, charting their wins and losses. They’ll say you want to do the same. Maintain a track of your gains and losses. This will make it easy for you to examine your results over time and continue using strategies that have worked before.
At this point, you might be more willing to start forex. You had a little understanding before, however you understand far more. Hopefully, the ideas that were provided gave you some information that will assist you to get started with your currency trading endeavors to be able to begin trading like a pro. jointly published by Marketta T. Warnock.
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